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poc2023q1 architecture

Status of this memo#

This summarizes the design for a Proof-of-Concept intended to be completed in early 2023. It has been completed except for the summarization feature.


This is a quick demo of a fragment of what we think is needed for edge multi-cluster. It is intended to demonstrate the following points.

  • Separation of infrastructure and workload management.
  • The focus here is on workload management, and that strictly reads an inventory of infrastructure.
  • What passes from inventory to workload management is kcp TMC Location and SyncTarget objects.
  • Use of a kcp workspace as the container for the central spec of a workload.
  • Propagation of desired state from center to edge, as directed by EdgePlacement objects and the Location and SyncTarget objects they reference.
  • Interfaces designed for a large number of edge clusters.
  • Interfaces designed with the intention that edge clusters operate independently of each other and the center (e.g., can tolerate only occasional connectivity) and thus any "service providers" (in the technical sense from kcp) in the center or elsewhere.
  • Rule-based customization of desired state.
  • Propagation of reported state from edge to center.
  • Summarization of reported state in the center.
  • Return and/or summarization of state from associated objects (e.g., ReplicaSet or Pod objects associated with a given Deployment object).
  • The edge opens connections to the center, not vice-versa.
  • An edge computing platform "product" that can be deployed (as opposed to a service that is used).

Some important things that are not attempted in this PoC include the following.

  • An implementation that supports a large number of edge clusters or any other thing that requires sharding for scale. In this PoC we will use a single kcp server to hold all the workspaces, and will not shard any controller.
  • More than one SyncTarget per Location.
  • A hierarchy with more than two levels.
  • User control over ordering of propagation from center to edge, either among destinations or kinds of objects.
  • More than baseline security (baseline being, e.g., HTTPS, Secret objects, non-rotating bearer token based service authentication).
  • A good design for bootstrapping the workload management in the edge clusters.
  • Very strong isolation between tenants in the edge computing platform.

Development Roadmap for this PoC#

Some features will get implemented later than others, so that we can start being able to run interesting end-to-end scenarios relatively soon. Following is a list of features that will not be implemented at first.

Of the following features, customization will be needed before the others.


We can have a complete system that ignores customization, as long as it is only used for workloads that need no customization.


We can omit summarization at first.

Return and/or summarization of state from associated objects#

This will involve both defining a scalable interface for declaring what should be returned as well as implementing it. This will certainly affect the syncer between mailbox workspace and edge cluster, and the summarization part will affect the status summarizer.

Good handling of workload conflicts#

We could start by handling workload conflicts in a very simple way: treating each as an error. Later development can handle them better, as outlined later.


We could start by not doing this. For some resources, the effect of leaving these resources natured in the center is only to add authorizations in the center that are not needed and are undesired in a well-secured environment but tolerable in early demonstrations --- provided that there is not a conflict with an object of the same name that is positively desired in the center. In particular, these are: ClusterRole, ClusterRoleBinding, Role, RoleBinding, and, depending on the Kubernetes release and usage style, ServiceAccount. The extra consideration for ServiceAccount is when an associated Secret is a natural consequence. However, that is not a practical problem because such Secret objects are recognized as system infrastructure (see below). Oops, oversight here: the controller that makes the associated Secret objects also insists that the ServiceAccount to refer to them; see later about denaturing ServiceAccounts. Another consideration for ServiceAccount objects, as for Secret and ConfigMap objects, is that some are in some sense "reverse-natured": some are created by some other thing as part of the nature of that other thing (object or external system). Another way of looking at these particular objects is that they are system infrastructure.

For some kinds of object, lack of denaturing/renaturing means that KubeStellar will simply not be able to support workloads that contain such objects. These are: MutatingWebhookConfiguration, ValidatingWebhookConfiguration, LimitRange, ResourceQuota.

For some resources, the need to denature is only a matter of anticipation. FlowSchema and PriorityLevelConfiguration currently are not interpreted by kcp servers and so are effectively already denatured there. Hopefully they will be given interpretations in the future, and then those resources will join the previous category.

Roles and Responsibilities#

Developers/deployers/admins/users of the infrastructure management layer#

Developers of the workload management layer#

Deployers/admins of the workload management layer#

Users of the workload management layer#

Design overview#

In very brief: the design approach is to achieve the multicast semantics of edge placement by two layers of activity. Between the two layers sit mailbox workspaces: these exist in the center, and there is one for each edge cluster. One layer of activity runs in the center and relates the edge placement problems to mailbox workspace contents. The other layer is syncers, one in each edge cluster, that relate the corresponding mailbox contents with their local clusters.

As in TMC, in this design we have downsync and upsync --- but they are a little more complicated here. Downsync involves propagation of desired state from workload management workspace through mailbox workspaces to edge and return/summarization of reported state. Upsync involves return/summarization of desired and reported state of objects born on the edge clusters. On the inward path, the reported or full state goes from edge to the mailbox workspace and then is summarized to the workload management workspace. State propagation is maintained in an eventually consistent way, it is not just one-and-done.

Inventory Management workspaces (IMW)#

In this design the primary interface between infrastructure management and workload management is API objects in inventory management workspaces. We use the Location and SyncTarget object types from KubeStellar's api group (created by kubestellar init) for this purpose. The people doing infrastructure management are responsible for creating the inventory management workspaces and populating them with Location and SyncTarget objects, one Location and one SyncTarget per edge cluster. These inventory management workspaces need to use APIBindings to APIExports defining Location and SyncTarget so that the workload management layer can use one APIExport view for each API group to read those objects.

To complete the plumbing of the syncers, each inventory workspace that contains a SyncTarget needs to also contain the following associated objects. FYI, these are the things that kubectl kcp workload sync directly creates besides the SyncTarget. Ensuring their presence is part of the problem of bootstrapping the workload management layer and is not among the things that this PoC takes a position on.

  1. A ServiceAccount that the syncer will authenticate as.
  2. A ClusterRole manipulating that SyncTarget and the APIResourceImports (what are these?).
  3. A ClusterRoleBinding that links that ServiceAccount with that ClusterRole.

Edge Service Provider workspace (ESPW)#

The edge multi-cluster service is provided by one workspace that includes the following things.

  • An APIExport of the edge API group.
  • The edge controllers: Where Resolver, Placement Translator, Mailbox Controller, and Status Summarizer.

Workload Management workspaces (WMW)#

The users of edge multi-cluster primarily maintain these. Each one of these has both control (API objects that direct the behavior of the edge computing platform) and data (API objects that hold workload desired and reported state).

Data objects#

The workload desired state is represented by kube-style API objects, in the way that is usual in the Kubernetes milieu. For edge computing we need to support both cluster-scoped (AKA non-namespaced) kinds as well as namespaced kinds of objects.

The use of a workspace as a mere container presents a challenge, because some kinds of kubernetes API objects at not merely data but also modify the behavior of the apiserver holding them. To resolve this dilemma, the edge users of such a workspace will use a special view of the workspace that holds only data objects. The ones that modify apiserver behavior will be translated by the view into "denatured" versions of those objects in the actual workspace so that they have no effect on it. And for these objects, the transport from center-to-edge will do the inverse: translate the denatured versions into the regular ("natured"?) versions for appearance in the edge cluster. Furthermore, for some kinds of objects that modify apiserver behavior we want them "natured" at both center and edge. There are thus a few categories of kinds of objects. Following is a listing, with with the particular kinds that appear in kcp or plain kubernetes.

Needs to be denatured in center, natured in edge#

For these kinds of objects: clients of the real workload management workspace can manipulate some such objects that will modify the behavior of the workspace, while clients of the edge computing view will manipulate distinct objects that have no effect on the behavior of the workspace. These are kinds of objects to which kcp normally associates some behavior. To be fully precise, the concern here is with behavior that is externally visible (including externally visible behavior of the server itself); we do not care to dissociate server-internal behavior such as storing encrypted at rest. The edge computing platform will have to implement that view which dissociates the normal kcp behavior.

APIVERSION KIND NAMESPACED MutatingWebhookConfiguration false ValidatingWebhookConfiguration false APIService false FlowSchema false PriorityLevelConfiguration false ClusterRole false ClusterRoleBinding false Role true RoleBinding true
v1 LimitRange true
v1 ResourceQuota true
v1 ServiceAccount true

NOTE: The denaturing described here is not implemented yet. The kinds of objects listed above can be put into a workload management workspace and it will give them its usual interpretation. For ones that add authorizations, this will indeed add authorizations but not otherwise break something. The kcp server does not implement FlowSchema nor PriorityLevelConfiguration; those will indeed be uninterpreted. For objects that configure calls to other servers, these will fail unless the user arranges for them to work when made in the center as well in the edge clusters.

NOTE on NOTE: Paolo Dettori denatured ServiceAccount objects in kcp workspaces by creating a fork of kcp v0.11.0 with the activation of the relevant controller (the ServiceAccount Token Controller) disabled. Builds of this variant of kcp are in the following archives.

Needs to be natured in center and edge#

These should have their usual effect in both center and edge; they need no distinct treatment.

Note, however, that they do have some sequencing implications. They should be created before any dependent objects, deleted after all dependent objects. Ordering violations only cause log noise.

These are also exceptional in their reported state. It is managed by the apiserver. Leaving them natured in the WDS and the mailbox workspace means that they can not hold their reported state from the WEC.

APIVERSION KIND NAMESPACED CustomResourceDefinition false
v1 Namespace false

Needs to be natured in center, not destined for edge#


A workload management workspace needs an APIBinding to the APIExport of the API group from the edge service provider workspace, in order to be able to contain EdgePlacement and related objects. These objects and that APIBinding are not destined for the edge clusters.

The edge clusters are not presumed to be kcp workspaces, so APIBindings do not propagate to the edge clusters. However, it is possible that APIBindings for workload APIs may exist in a workload management workspace and be selected for downsync to mailbox workspaces while the edge clusters have the same resources defined by CRDs (as mentioned later in the discussion of built-in resources and namespaces).

For features not supported#

These are part of k8s or kcp APIs that are not supported by the edge computing platform.

APIVERSION KIND NAMESPACED APIResourceImport false NegotiatedAPIResource false APIConversion false

Not destined for edge#

These kinds of objects are concerned with either (a) TMC control or (b) workload data that should only exist in the edge clusters. These will not be available in the view used by edge clients to maintain their workload desired and reported state.

APIVERSION KIND NAMESPACED APIExport false APIExportEndpointSlice false APIResourceSchema false
apps/v1 ControllerRevision true TokenReview false LocalSubjectAccessReview true SelfSubjectAccessReview false SelfSubjectRulesReview false SubjectAccessReview false CertificateSigningRequest false Lease true LogicalCluster false Shard false Event true ~~Location~~ ~~false ~~ Placement false ClusterWorkspace false Workspace false WorkspaceType false Partition false PartitionSet false
v1 Binding true
v1 ComponentStatus false
v1 Event true
v1 Node false ~~SyncTarget~~ ~~false~~

Already denatured in center, want natured in edge#

These are kinds of objects that kcp already gives no interpretation to, and that is what KubeStellar needs from the center workspaces.

This is the default category of kind of object --- any kind of data object not specifically listed in another category is implicitly in this category. Following are the kinds from k8s and kcp that fall in this category.

apps/v1 DaemonSet true
apps/v1 Deployment true
apps/v1 ReplicaSet true
apps/v1 StatefulSet true
autoscaling/v2 HorizontalPodAutoscaler true
batch/v1 CronJob true
batch/v1 Job true Ingress true IngressClass false NetworkPolicy true RuntimeClass false
policy/v1 PodDisruptionBudget true PriorityClass false CSIDriver false CSINode false CSIStorageCapacity true StorageClass false VolumeAttachment false
v1 ConfigMap true
v1 Endpoints true
v1 PersistentVolume false
v1 PersistentVolumeClaim true
v1 Pod true
v1 PodTemplate true
v1 ReplicationController true
v1 Secret true
v1 Service true

Note that some ConfigMap and Secret objects are treated differently, as explained in the next section.

System infrastructure objects#

Even in a kcp workspace, some certain objects --- called here "system infrastructure objects" --- are created as a consequence of certain other objects or things. The system infrastructure objects are tolerated in the center and do not propagate toward the edge. Here is an initial list of system infrastructure objects:

  • Secret objects whose type is (these are automatically created to support a ServiceAccount in some circumstances) or;
  • ConfigMap objects named kube-root-ca.crt;
  • ServiceAcount objects named default (these are automatically created as a consequence of a namespace being created).

Built-in resources and namespaces#

An edge cluster has some built-in resources (i.e, kinds of objects) and namespaces. A resource may be built-in by any of several ways: it can be built-in to the apiserver, it can be defined by a CRD, its API group can be delegated by an APIService to a custom external server (each of the latter two is sometimes called "aggregation"). Note also that a resource may be defined in edge clusters one way (e.g., by being built into kube-apiserver) and in the workload management workspace another way (e.g., by a CustomResourceDefinition).

In this PoC, all edge clusters are considered to have the same built-in resources and namespaces.

As a matter of scoping the work here, it is also assumed that each API group built into the edge clusters supports the API versions chosen by the conflict resolution rules below when they are applied to the workload sources.

At deployment time the workload management platform is configured with lists of resources and namespaces built into the edge clusters.

Propagation from center to edge does not attempt to manage the resource and namespace definitions that are built into the edge clusters.

The mailbox workspaces will have built-in resources and namespaces that are a subset of those built into the edge clusters. The propagation from workload management workspace to mailbox workspace does not attempt to manage the resource and namespace definitions that are built into the mailbox workspaces.

The above wording is deliberately restrained, for the sake of flexibility regarding resources that are defined one way in the edge clusters and another way in workload management workspace. For example, the following scenario is allowed.

  • Some central team owns an API group and produces some CustomResourceDefinition (CRD) objects that populate that API group.
  • That team derives APIResourceSchemas from those CRDs and a corresponding APIExport of their API group.
  • That team maintains a kcp workspace holding those APIResourceSchemas and that APIExport.
  • Some workload management workspaces have APIBindings to that APIExport, and EdgePlacement objects that (1) select those APIBinding objects for downsync and (2) select objects of kinds defined through those APIBindings for either downsync or upsync.
  • Those resources are built into the edge clusters by pre-deploying the aforementioned CRDs there.
  • Those resources are not built into the mailbox workspaces. In this case the APIBindings would propagate from workload management workspace to mailbox workspaces but not edge clusters.
  • As a consequence of those propagated APIBindings, the APIExport's view includes all of the objects (in workload management workspaces, in mailbox workspaces, and in any other workspaces where they appear) whose kind is defined through those APIBindings.

Control objects#

These are the EdgePlacement objects, their associated SinglePlacementSlice objects, and the objects that direct customization and summarization.

EdgePlacement objects#

One of these is a binding between a "what" predicate and a "where" predicate.

Overlaps between EdgePlacement objects are explicitly allowed. Two EdgePlacement objects may have "where" predicates that both match some of the same destinations. Two EdgePlacement objects may have "what" predicates that match some of the same workload descriptions. Two EdgePlacement objects may overlap in both ways.

An EdgePlacement object deliberately only binds "what" and "where", without any adverbs (such as prescriptions of customization or summarization). This means that overlapping EdgePlacement objects can not conflict in those adverbs.

However, another sort of conflict remains possible. This is because the user controls the IDs --- that is, the names --- of the parts of the workload. In full, a Kubernetes API object is identified by API group, API major version, Kind (equivalently, resource name), namespace if relevant, and name. For simplicity in this PoC we will not worry about differences in API major version; each API group in Kubernetes and/or kcp currently has only one major version.

Two different workload descriptions can have objects with the same ID (i.e., if they appear in different workspaces). These objects, when rendered to the same API version, might have different values. And the objects may be available in different API versions in different source workspaces. See client-go for what an API server says about which versions it can serve for a given API group, and meta/v1 for the supporting details on an APIGroup struct.

When multiple workload objects with the same APIGroup, Kind, namespace (if namespaced), and name are directed to the same edge cluster, they are merged with conflicts handled by (a) a rule for resolution and (b) reporting via both error logging and Kubernetes Event creation. These conflicts are serious matters: they mean user expectations are not being met (because they are inconsistent); this is why the placement translator tries hard to make the user aware.

The first part of merging a set of objects is to read them all at the same API version. The placement translator solves the problem of picking API version at the level of API groups rather than object-by-object. The API version for an given API group is chosen as follows. First, take the intersection of the supported versions from the various sources. If this intersection is empty then this is a conflict. It is resolved by throwing out the APIGroup with the lowest version and repeating with the reduced set of APIGroup structs. Next, take the union of the preferred versions. If this union has a non-empty intersection with the intersection of the supported versions, take the following steps with this intersection; otherwise proceed with just the intersection of the supported versions. When first (since process startup) presented with an instance of this problem, the placement translator picks the highest version from this intersection. Subsequently for the same API group, the placement translator sticks with its previous decision as long as that is still in the intersection. If the previous choice is no longer available, the highest version is picked. This preference for highest version is based on the expectation that rolling forward will be more common than rolling back; using the intersection ensures that both work (as long as the collection of sources has an overlap in supported versions, which is basic sanity).

A workload prescription object that is in the process of graceful deletion (i.e., with DeletionTimestamp set to something) is considered here to already be gone.

Once they have been read at a consistent API version, merging of multiple objects is done as follows. Different parts of the object are handled differently.

  • TypeMeta. This can not conflict because it is part of what identifies an object.
  • ObjectMeta.
  • Labels and Annotations. These are handled on a key-by-key basis. Distinct keys do not conflict. When multiple objects have a label or annotation with the same key, the corresponding value in the result is the value from the most recently updated of those objects.
  • OwnerReferences. This is handled analogously to labels and annotations. The key is the combination of APIVersion, Kind, and Name.
  • Finalizers. This is simply a set of strings. The result of merging is the union of the sets.
  • ManagedFields. This is metadata that is not propagated.
  • Spec. Beyond TypeMeta and ObjectMeta, the remaining object fields are specific to the kind of object. Many have a field named "Spec" in the Go language source, "spec" in the JSON representation. For objects that have Spec fields, merging has a conflict if those field values are not all equal when considered as JSON data, and the resolution is to take the value from the most recently updated object.
  • Status. Status is handled analogously to Spec. For both, we consider a missing field to be the same as a field with a value of nil. That is expected to be the common case for the Status of these workload prescription objects.
  • Other fields. If all the values are maps (objects in JavaScript) then they are merged key-by-key, as for labels and annotations. Otherwise they are treated as monoliths, as for Spec and Status.

For the above, the most recently updated object is determined by parsing the ResourceVersion as an int64 and picking the highest value. This is meaningful under the assumption that all the source workspaces are from the same kcp server --- which will be true for this PoC but is not a reasonable assumption in general. Also: interpreting ResourceVersion breaks a rule for Kubernetes clients --- but this is dismayingly common. Beyond this PoC we could hope to do better by looking at the ManagedFields. But currently kcp does not include so the ManagedFields often do not properly reflect the update times. Even so, those timestamps have only 1-second precision --- so conflicts will remain possible (although, hopefully, unlikely).

There is special handling for Namespace objects. When a workload includes namespaced objects, the propagation has to include ensuring that the corresponding Namespace object exists in the destination. An EdgePlacement's "what" predicate MAY fail to match a relevant Namespace object. This is taken to mean that this EdgePlacement is not requesting propagation of the details (Spec, labels, etc.) of that Namespace object but only expects propagation to somehow ensure that the namespace exists. When merging overlapping workloads that have namespaces in common, only the Namespace objects that come from matching a "what" predicate need to be merged.

The above also provide an answer to the question of what version is used when writing to the mailbox workspace and edge cluster. The version used for that is the version chosen above. In the case of no conflicts, this means that the writes are done using the preferred version from the API group from the workload management workspace.

Mailbox workspaces#

The mailbox controller maintains one mailbox workspace for each SyncTarget. A mailbox workspace acts as a workload source for the corresponding syncer, prescribing the workload to go to the corresponding edge cluster and the SyncerConfig object that guides the syncer.

A mailbox workspace contains the following items.

  1. APIBindings (maintained by the mailbox controller) to APIExports of workload object types.
  2. Workload objects, post customization in the case of downsynced objects.
  3. A SyncerConfig object.

Edge cluster#

Also called workload execution cluster.

One of these contains the following items. FYI, these are the things in the YAML output by kubectl kcp workload edge-sync. The responsibility for creating and maintaining these objects is part of the problem of bootstrapping the workload management layer and is not among the things that this PoC takes a position on.

  • A namespace that holds the syncer and associated objects.
  • A ServiceAccount that the syncer authenticates as when accessing the views of the center and when accessing the edge cluster.
  • A Secret holding that ServiceAccount's authorization token.
  • A ClusterRole listing the non-namespaced privileges that the syncer will use in the edge cluster.
  • A ClusterRoleBinding linking the syncer's ServiceAccount and ClusterRole.
  • A Role listing the namespaced privileges that the syncer will use in the edge cluster.
  • A RoleBinding linking the syncer's ServiceAccount and Role.
  • A Secret holding the kubeconfig that the syncer will use to access the edge cluster.
  • A Deployment of the syncer.

Mailbox Controller#

This controller maintains one mailbox workspace per SyncTarget. Each of these mailbox workspaces is used for a distinct syncing problem: downsynced objects go here from their workload management workspaces, and upsynced objects go here from the edge cluster. These workspaces are all children of the edge service provider workspace.

Where Resolver#

This controller monitors the EdgePlacement, Location, and SyncTarget objects and maintains the results of matching. For each EdgePlacement object this controller maintains an associated collection of SinglePlacementSlice objects holding the matches for that EdgePlacement. These SinglePlacementSlice objects appear in the same workspace as the corresponding EdgePlacement; the remainder of how they are linked is TBD.

Placement Translator#

This controller continually monitors all the EdgePlacement objects, SinglePlacementSlice objects, and related workload objects, and maintains the proper projections of those into mailbox workspace contents. The customization, if any, is done in this process. Note also that everything that has to be denatured in the workload management workspace also has to be denatured in the mailbox workspace.

The job of the placement translator can be broken down into the following five parts.

  • Resolve each EdgePlacement's "what" part to a list of particular workspace items (namespaces and non-namespaced objects).
  • Monitor the SinglePlacementSlice objects that report the Where Resolver's resolutions of the "where" part of the EdgePlacement objects.
  • Maintain the association between the resolved "where" (from the Where Resolver) and the resolved what.
  • Maintain the copies, with customization, of the workload objects from source workspace to mailbox workspaces.
  • Maintain the SyncerConfig object in each mailbox workspace to direct the corresponding syncer.


In this PoC there is a 1:1:1 relation between edge cluster, mailbox workspace, and syncer. The syncer runs in the edge cluster and does downsync from and upsync to the mailbox workspace. The syncer monitors a SyncerConfig object in the mailbox workspace to know what to downsync and upsync.

For those familiar with kcp's TMC syncer, note that the edge syncer differs in the following ways.

  • Create self-sufficient edge clusters.
  • Re-nature objects that KubeStellar forcibly denatures at the center.
  • Return reported state from associated objects.
  • Does not access the SyncTarget object.

Status Summarizer#

For each EdgePlacement object and related objects this controller maintains the directed status summary objects.

Usage Scenario#

The usage scenario breaks, at the highest level, into two parts: inventory and workload.

Inventory Usage#

A user with infrastructure authority creates one or more inventory management workspaces. Each such workspace needs to have the following items, which that user will create if they are not pre-populated by the workspace type.

  • An APIBinding to the APIExport to get SyncTarget.
  • An APIBinding to the APIExport to get Location.
  • A ServiceAccount (with associated token-bearing Secret) (details TBD) that the mailbox controller authenticates as.
  • A ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBinding that authorize said ServiceAccount to do what the mailbox controller needs to do.

This user also creates one or more edge clusters.

For each of those edge clusters, this user creates the following.

  • a corresponding SyncTarget, in one of those inventory management workspaces;
  • a Location, in the same workspace, that matches only that SyncTarget.

Workload usage#

A user with workload authority starts by creating one or more workload management workspaces. Each needs to have the following, which that user creates if the workload type did not already provide.

  • An APIBinding to the APIExport of from the edge service provider workspace.
  • For each of the Where Resolver, the Placement Translator, and the Status Summarizer:
  • A ServiceAccount for that controller to authenticate as;
  • A ClusterRole granting the privileges needed by that controller;
  • A ClusterRoleBinding that binds those two.

This user also uses the edge-workspace-as-container view of each such workspace to describe the workload desired state.

This user creates one or more EdgePlacement objects to say which workload goes where. These may be accompanied by API objects that specify rule-based customization, specify how status is to be summarized.

The KubeStellar implementation propagates the desired state from center to edge and collects the specified information from edge to center.

The edge user monitors status summary objects in their workload management workspaces.

The status summaries may include limited-length lists of broken objects.

Full status from the edge is available in the mailbox workspaces.