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This PoC includes two sorts of commands for users to use. Most are executables designed to be accessed in the usual ways: by appearing in a directory on the user's $PATH or by the user writing a pathname for the executable on the command line. The one exception is the bootstrap script, which is designed to be fetched from github and fed directly into bash.

There are two ways of deploying kcp and the central KubeStellar components: (1) as processes on a machine of supported OS and ISA, and (2) as workload in a Kubernetes (possibly OpenShift) cluster. The latter is newer and not yet well exercised.

This document describes both commands that a platform administrator uses and commands that a platform user uses.

Most of these executables require that the kcp server be running and that kubectl is configured to use the kubeconfig file produced by kcp start. That is: either $KUBECONFIG holds the pathname of that kubeconfig file, its contents appear at ~/.kube/config, or --kubeconfig $pathname appears on the command line. The exceptions are the bootstrap script, the kcp control script that runs before starting the kcp server, and the admin commands for deploying KubeStellar in a Kubernetes cluster.

NOTE: most of the kubectl plugin usages described here certainly or potentially change the setting of which kcp workspace is "current" in your chosen kubeconfig file; for this reason, they are not suitable for executing concurrently with anything that depends on that setting in that file. The exceptions are the admin commands for deploying KubeStellar in a Kubernetes cluster.

Bare process deployment#

kcp process control#

KubeStellar has some commands to support situations in which some clients of the kcp server need to connect to it by opening a connection to a DNS domain name rather than an IP address that the server can bind its socket to. The key idea is using the --tls-sni-cert-key command line flag of kcp start to configure the server to respond with a bespoke server certificate in TLS handshakes in which the client addresses the server by a given domain name.

These commands are used separately from starting the kcp server and are designed so that they can be used multiple times if there are multiple sets of clients that need to use a distinct domain name. Starting the kcp server is not described here, beyond the particular consideration needed for the --tls-sni-cert-key flag, because it is otherwise ordinary.


kubestellar-ensure-kcp-server-creds pre-reqs#

The kubestellar-ensure-kcp-server-creds command requires that Easy-RSA is installed. As outlined in, this involves selecting a release archive from the list on GitHub, unpacking it, and adding the EasyRSA directory to your $PATH; easyrsa is a bash script, so you do not need to worry about building or fetching a binary specific to your OS or computer architecture.

Easy-RSA uses OpenSSL, so you will need that installed too.

kubestellar-ensure-kcp-server-creds usage#

This command is given exactly one thing on the command line, a DNS domain name. This command creates --- or re-uses if it finds already existing --- a private key and public X.509 certificate for the kcp server to use. The certificate has exactly one SubjectAlternativeName, which is of the DNS form and specifies the given domain name. For example: kubestellar-ensure-kcp-server-creds creates a certificate with one SAN, commonly rendered as

This command uses a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) and Certificate Authority (CA) implemented by easy-rsa, rooted at the subdirectory pki of the current working directory. This command will create the PKI if it does not already exist, and will initialize the CA if that has not already been done. The CA's public certificate appears at the usual place for easy-rsa: pki/ca.crt.

This command prints some stuff --- mostly progress remarks from easy-rsa --- to stderr and prints one line of results to stdout. The bash shell will parse that one line as three words. Each is an absolute pathname of one certificate or key. The three are as follows.

  1. The CA certificate for the client to use in verifying the server.
  2. The X.509 certificate for the server to put in its ServerHello in a TLS handshake in which the ClientHello has a Server Name Indicator (SNI) that matches the given domain name.
  3. The private key corresponding to that server certificate.

Following is an example of invoking this command and examining its results.

bash-5.2$ eval pieces=($(kubestellar-ensure-kcp-server-creds yep.yep))
Re-using PKI at /Users/mspreitz/go/src/
Re-using CA at /Users/mspreitz/go/src/
Accepting existing credentials

bash-5.2$ echo ${pieces[0]}

bash-5.2$ echo ${pieces[1]}

bash-5.2$ echo ${pieces[2]}

Following is an example of using those results in launching the kcp server. The --tls-sni-cert-key flag can appear multiple times on the command line, configuring the server to respond in a different way to each of multiple different SNIs.

bash-5.2$ kcp start --tls-sni-cert-key ${pieces[1]},${pieces[2]} &> /tmp/kcp.log &
[1] 66974


This command is for using after the kcp server has been launched. Since the kcp start command really means kcp run, all usage of that server has to be done by concurrent processes. The wait-and-switch-domain command bundles two things: waiting for the kcp server to start handling kubectl requests, and making an alternate kubeconfig file for a set of clients to use. This command is pointed at an existing kubeconfig file and reads it but does not write it; the alternate config file is written (its directory must already exist and be writable). This command takes exactly six command line positional arguments, as follows.

  1. Pathname (absolute or relative) of the input kubeconfig.
  2. Pathname (absolute or relative) of the output kubeconfig.
  3. Name of the kubeconfig "context" that identifies what to replace.
  4. Domain name to put in the replacement server URLs.
  5. Port number to put in the replacement server URLs.
  6. Pathname (absolute or relative) of a file holding the CA certificate to put in the alternate kubeconfig file.

Creation of the alternate kubeconfig file starts by looking in the input kubeconfig file for the "context" with the given name, to find the name of a "cluster". The server URL of that cluster is examined, and its protocol://host:port prefix is extracted. The alternate kubeconfig will differ from the input kubeconfig in the contents of the cluster objects whose server URLs start with that same prefix. There will be the following two differences.

  1. In the server URL's protocol://host:port prefix, the host will be replaced by the given domain name and the port will be replaced by the given port.
  2. The cluster will be given a certificate-authority-data that holds the contents (base64 encoded, as usual) of the given CA certificate file.

Following is an example of using this command and examining the results. The context and port number chosen work for the kubeconfig file that kcp start (kcp release v0.11.0) creates by default.

bash-5.2$ wait-and-switch-domain .kcp/admin.kubeconfig test.yaml root yep.yep 6443 ${pieces[0]}

bash-5.2$ diff -w .kcp/admin.kubeconfig test.yaml
<     certificate-authority-data: LS0...LQo=
<     server: https://192.168.something.something:6443
>       certificate-authority-data: LS0...LQo=
>       server: https://yep.yep:6443
<     certificate-authority-data: LS0...LQo=
<     server: https://192.168.something.something:6443/clusters/root
>       certificate-authority-data: LS0...LQo=
>       server: https://yep.yep:6443/clusters/root

Following is an example of using the alternate kubeconfig file, in a context where the domain name "yep.yep" resolves to an IP address of the network namespace in which the kcp server is running.

bash-5.2$ KUBECONFIG=.kcp-yep.yep/admin.kubeconfig kubectl ws .
Current workspace is "root".

Because this command reads the given kubeconfig file, it is important to invoke this command while nothing is concurrently writing it and while the caller reliably knows the name of a kubeconfig context that identifies what to replace.


This command is the second part of wait-and-switch-domain: the part of creating the alternate kubeconfig file. It has the same inputs and outputs and concurrency considerations.

KubeStellar process control#

The kubestellar command has three subcommands, one to finish setup and two for process control.

The usage synopsis is as follows.

kubestellar [flags] subcommand [flags]

This command accepts the following command line flags, which can appear before and/or after the subcommand. The --log-folder flag is only meaningful for the start subcommand. The --local-kcp flag is not meaningful for the stop subcommand. The --ensure-imw and --ensure-wmw flags are only meaningful for the start or init subcommands.

  • -V or --verbose: calls for more verbose output. This is a binary choice, not a matter of degree.
  • -X: turns on echoing of script lines
  • --log-folder $pathname: says where to put the logs from the controllers. Will be mkdir -p if absent. Defaults to ${PWD}/kubestellar-logs.
  • --local-kcp $bool: says whether to expect to find a local process named "kcp". Defaults to "true".
  • --ensure-imw: provide a comma separated list of pathnames for inventory workspaces, e.g. "root:imw1,root:imw2". Defaults to "root:imw1". To prevent the creation of any inventory workspace, then pass "".
  • --ensure-wmw: provide a comma separated list of pathnames for workload management workspaces, e.g. "root:wmw1,root:imw2". Defaults to "root:wmw1". To prevent the creation of any workload management workspace, then pass "".
  • -h or --help: print a brief usage message and terminate.

Kubestellar init#

This subcommand is used after installation to finish setup and does the following five things.

  1. Waits for the kcp server to be in service and the root:compute workspace to be usable.

  2. Ensure that the edge service provider workspace (ESPW) exists and has the required contents.

  3. Ensure that the root:compute workspace has been extended with the RBAC objects that enable the syncer to propagate reported state for downsynced objects defined by the APIExport from that workspace of a subset of the Kubernetes API for managing containerized workloads.

  4. Ensure the existence of zero, one, or more inventory management workspaces depending on the value of --ensure-imw flag. Default is one inventory management workspaces at pathname "root:imw1".

  5. Ensure the existence of zero, one, or more workload management workspaces depending on the value of --ensure-wmw flag. Default is one workload management workspaces at pathname "root:wmw1". The workload management workspaces have APIBindings that import the namespaced Kubernetes resources (kinds of objects) for management of containerized workloads. At the completion of kubestellar init the current workspace will be "root".

KubeStellar start#

This subcommand is used after installation or process stops.

This subcommand stops any running kubestellar controllers and then starts them all. It also does the same thing as kubestellar init.

KubeStellar stop#

This subcommand undoes the primary function of kubestellar start, stopping any running KubeStellar controllers. It does not tear down the ESPW.

Deployment into a Kubernetes cluster#

These commands administer a deployment of the central components --- the kcp server, PKI, and the central KubeStellar components --- in a Kubernetes cluster that will be referred to as "the hosting cluster". These commands are framed as "kubectl plugins" and thus need to be explicitly or implicitly given a kubeconfig file for the hosting cluster.

You need a Kubernetes cluster with an Ingress controller deployed and configured in a way that does not terminate TLS connections (this abstinence is often called "SSL passthrough"). An OpenShift cluster would be one qualifying thing. Another would be an ordinary Kubernetes cluster with the nginx Ingress controller deployed and configured appropriately. Please note that special considerations apply when deploying an ingress controller in kind. See a fully worked example with kind and nginx. You will need to know the port number at which the Ingress controller is listening for HTTPS connections.

IF your Kubernetes cluster has any worker nodes --- real or virtual --- with the x86_64 instruction set, they need to support the extended instruction set known as "x64-64-v2". If using hardware bought in the last 10 years, you can assume that is true. If using emulation, you need to make sure that your emulator is emulating that extended instruction set --- some emulators do not do this by default. See QEMU configuration recommendations, for example.

You will need a domain name that, on each of your clients, resolves to an IP address that gets to the Ingress controller's listening socket.

Deploy to cluster#

Deployment is done with a "kubectl plugin" that is invoked as kubectl kubestellar deploy and creates a Helm "release" in the hosting cluster. As such, it relies on explicit (on the command line) or implicit (in environment variables and/or ~/.kube/config) configuration needed to execute Helm commands. The following flags can appear on the command line, in any order.

  • --openshift $bool, saying whether the hosting cluster is an OpenShift cluster. If so then a Route will be created to the kcp server; otherwise, an Ingress object will direct incoming TLS connections to the kcp server. The default is false.
  • --external-endpoint $domain_name:$port, saying how the kcp server will be reached from outside the cluster. The given domain name must be something that the external clients will resolve to an IP address where the cluster's Ingress controller or OpenShift router will be listening, and the given port must be the corresponding TCP port number. For a plain Kubernetes cluster, this must be specified. For an OpenShift cluster this may be omitted, in which case the command will (a) assume that the external port number is 443 and (b) extract the external hostname from the Route object after it is created and updated by OpenShift. FYI, that external hostname will start with a string derived from the Route in the chart (currently "kubestellar-route-kubestellar") and continue with "." and then the ingress domain name for the cluster.
  • a command line flag for the helm upgrade command. This includes the usual control over namespace: you can set it on the command line, otherwise the namespace that is current in your kubeconfig applies.
  • -X turns on debug echoing of all the commands in the script that implements this command.
  • -h prints a brief usage message and terminates with success.

For example, to deploy to a plain Kubernetes cluster whose Ingress controller can be reached at, you would issue the following command.

kubectl kubestellar deploy --external-endpoint

The Helm chart takes care of setting up the KubeStellar Core, accomplishing the same thing as the kubestellar start command above.

Fetch kubeconfig for internal clients#

To fetch a kubeconfig for use by clients inside the hosting cluster, use the kubectl kubestellar get-internal-kubeconfig -n kubestellar command. It takes the following on the command line.

  • -o $output_pathname, saying where to write the kubeconfig. This must appear exactly once on the command line.
  • a kubectl command line flag, for accessing the hosting cluster. This includes the usual control over namespace.
  • -X turns on debug echoing of all the commands in the script that implements this command.
  • -h prints a brief usage message and terminates with success.
  • -n namespace is required. default is 'kubestellar'

Fetch kubeconfig for external clients#

To fetch a kubeconfig for use by clients outside of the hosting cluster --- those that will reach the kcp server via the external endpoint specified in the deployment command --- use the kubectl kubestellar get-external-kubeconfig -n kubestellar command. It takes the following on the command line.

  • -o $output_pathname, saying where to write the kubeconfig. This must appear exactly once on the command line.
  • a kubectl command line flag, for accessing the hosting cluster. This includes the usual control over namespace.
  • -X turns on debug echoing of all the commands in the script that implements this command.
  • -h prints a brief usage message and terminates with success.
  • -n namespace is required. default is 'kubestellar'

Fetch a log from a KubeStellar runtime container#

The logs of each runtime container in the KubeStellar application pods can be access this way:

kubectl logs $(kubectl get pod --selector=app=kubestellar -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}' -n kubestellar) -n kubestellar -c kcp
kubectl logs $(kubectl get pod --selector=app=kubestellar -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}' -n kubestellar) -n kubestellar -c init
kubectl logs $(kubectl get pod --selector=app=kubestellar -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}' -n kubestellar) -n kubestellar -c mailbox-controller
kubectl logs $(kubectl get pod --selector=app=kubestellar -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}' -n kubestellar) -n kubestellar -c where-resolver
kubectl logs $(kubectl get pod --selector=app=kubestellar -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}' -n kubestellar) -n kubestellar -c placement-translator

Remove deployment to a Kubernetes cluster#

The deployment of kcp and KubeStellar as a Kubernetes workload is done by making a "release" (this is a technical term in Helm whose meaning might surprise you) of a Helm chart. This release is named "kubestellar". To undo the deployment, just use the Helm command to delete that release.

helm delete kubestellar

NOTE: this is a detail that might change in the future.

KubeStellar platform user commands#

The remainder of the commands in this document are for users rather than administrators of the service that KubeStellar provides.


This command just echoes the semantic version of the release used. This command is only available in archives built for a release. Following is an example usage.



This executable prints information about itself captured at build time. If built by make then this is information conveyed by the Makefile; otherwise it is the Kubernetes defaults.

It will either print one requested property or a JSON object containing many.

kubestellar-version help
Invalid component requested: "help"
Usage: kubestellar-version [buildDate|gitCommit|gitTreeState|platform]

kubestellar-version buildDate

kubestellar-version gitCommit


Creating SyncTarget/Location pairs#

In this PoC, the interface between infrastructure and workload management is inventory API objects. Specifically, for each edge cluster there is a unique pair of SyncTarget and Location objects in a so-called inventory management workspace. These kinds of objects were originally defined in kcp TMC, and now there is a copy of those definitions in KubeStellar. It is the definitions in KubeStellar that should be referenced. Those are in the Kubernetes API group, and they are exported from the KubeStellar Core Space (KCS)) (the kcp workspace named root:espw).

The following command helps with making that SyncTarget and Location pair and adding the APIBinding to if needed.

The usage synopsis is as follows.

kubectl kubestellar ensure location flag... objname labelname=labelvalue...

Here objname is the name for the SyncTarget object and also the name for the Location object. This command ensures that these objects exist and have at least the given labels.

The flags can also appear anywhere later on the command line.

The acceptable flags include all those of kubectl except for --context. This command also accepts the following flags.

  • --imw workspace_path: specifies which workspace to use as the inventory management workspace. The default value is the current workspace.
  • -X: turn on debug echoing of the commands inside the script that implements this command.

The current workspaces does not matter if the IMW is explicitly specified. Upon completion, the current workspace will be your chosen IMW.

This command does not depend on the action of any of the KubeStellar controllers but does require that the KubeStellar Core Space (KCS) has been set up.

An example usage follows.

kubectl kubestellar ensure location --imw root:imw-1 demo1 foo=bar the-word=the-bird
Current workspace is "root:imw-1". created created labeled labeled labeled labeled

The above example shows using this script to create a SyncTarget and a Location named demo1 with labels foo=bar and the-word=the-bird. This was equivalent to the following commands.

kubectl ws root:imw-1
kubectl create -f -<<EOF
kind: SyncTarget
  name: demo1
    id: demo1
    foo: bar
    the-word: the-bird
kind: Location
  name: demo1
    foo: bar
    the-word: the-bird
  resource: {group:, version: v1alpha1, resource: synctargets}
    matchLabels: {"id":"demo1"}

The creation of the APIBinding is equivalent to the following command (in the same workspace).

kubectl create -f <<EOF
kind: APIBinding
      path: root:espw

This command operates in idempotent style, making whatever changes (if any) are needed to move from the current state to the desired state. Current limitation: it does not cast a skeptical eye on the spec of a pre-existing Location or APIBinding object.

Removing SyncTarget/Location pairs#

The following script undoes whatever remains from a corresponding usage of kubectl kubestellar ensure location. It has all the same command line syntax and semantics except that the labelname=labelvalue pairs do not appear.

This command does not depend on the action of any of the KubeStellar controllers.

The following session demonstrates usage, including idempotency.

kubectl ws root:imw-1
Current workspace is "root:imw-1".

kubectl kubestellar remove location demo1 "demo1" deleted "demo1" deleted

kubectl kubestellar remove location demo1

Syncer preparation and installation#

The syncer runs in each edge cluster and also talks to the corresponding mailbox workspace. In order for it to be able to do that, there is some work to do in the mailbox workspace to create a ServiceAccount for the syncer to authenticate as and create RBAC objects to give the syncer the privileges that it needs. The following script does those things and also outputs YAML to be used to install the syncer in the edge cluster.

The usage synopsis is as follows.

kubectl kubestellar prep-for-syncer flag... synctarget_name

Here synctarget_name is the name of the SyncTarget object, in the relevant IMW, corresponding to the relevant edge cluster.

The flags can also appear anywhere later on the command line.

The acceptable flags include all those of kubectl except for --context. This command also accepts the following flags.

  • --imw workspace_path: specifies which workspace holds the relevant SyncTarget object. The default value is the current workspace.
  • --espw workspace_path: specifies where to find the edge service provider workspace. The default is the standard location, root:espw.
  • --syncer-image image_ref: specifies the container image that runs the syncer. The default is
  • -o output_pathname: specifies where to write the YAML definitions of the API objects to create in the edge cluster in order to deploy the syncer there. The default is synctarget_name + "-syncer.yaml".
  • -s: exceptionally low info output.
  • -X: turn on debug echoing of commands inside the script that implements this command.

The current workspaces does not matter if the IMW is explicitly specified. Upon completion, the current workspace will be what it was when the command started.

This command will only succeed if the mailbox controller has created and conditioned the mailbox workspace for the given SyncTarget. This command will wait for 10 to 70 seconds for that to happen.

An example usage follows.

kubectl kubestellar prep-for-syncer --imw root:imw-1 demo1
Current workspace is "root:imw-1".
Current workspace is "root:espw"
Current workspace is "root:espw:4yqm57kx0m6mn76c-mb-406c54d1-64ce-4fdc-99b3-cef9c4fc5010" (type root:universal).
Creating service account "kubestellar-syncer-demo1-28at01r3"
Creating cluster role "kubestellar-syncer-demo1-28at01r3" to give service account "kubestellar-syncer-demo1-28at01r3"

 1. write and sync access to the synctarget "kubestellar-syncer-demo1-28at01r3"
 2. write access to apiresourceimports.

Creating or updating cluster role binding "kubestellar-syncer-demo1-28at01r3" to bind service account "kubestellar-syncer-demo1-28at01r3" to cluster role "kubestellar-syncer-demo1-28at01r3".

Wrote WEC manifest to demo1-syncer.yaml for namespace "kubestellar-syncer-demo1-28at01r3". Use

  KUBECONFIG=<workload-execution-cluster-config> kubectl apply -f "demo1-syncer.yaml"

to apply it. Use

  KUBECONFIG=<workload-execution-cluster-config> kubectl get deployment -n "kubestellar-syncer-demo1-28at01r3" kubestellar-syncer-demo1-28at01r3

to verify the syncer pod is running.
Current workspace is "root:espw".

Once that script has run, the YAML for the objects to create in the edge cluster is in your chosen output file. The default for the output file is the name of the SyncTarget object with "-syncer.yaml" appended.

Create those objects with a command like the following; adjust as needed to configure kubectl to modify the edge cluster and read your chosen output file.

KUBECONFIG=$demo1_kubeconfig kubectl apply -f demo1-syncer.yaml

You can preserve this file for future use if you want to remove the syncer later.

Syncer removal#

The previous section shows the two steps involved in establishing a syncer: one modifies the core and one adds stuff into the WEC. If for any reason your core gets deleted (e.g., deliberate replacement) and you want to undo the addition of the syncer into the WEC, you can use the YAML file generated above with kubectl delete instead of kubectl apply (of course using the right kubeconfig and context therein).

A syncer that is configured to work with an extinct core is harmless except that its pod will be doing some futile work (failing to make requests on the core and logging error messages).

If you need to manually remove the syncer from your WEC, following is the list of things that went into the WEC.

  • A namespace named kubestellar-syncer-${SyncTarget_Name}-${UID}. The UID is a random ID that is uniquely generated each time you run prep-for-syncer.
  • A ServiceAccount (with associated token Secret) in that namespace.
  • Another Secret in that namespace.
  • A Deployment in that namespace
  • A ClusterRole with the same name as the namespace.
  • A ClusterRoleBinding with the same name as the namespace.

Edge cluster on-boarding#

The following command is a combination of kubectl kubestellar ensure-location and kubectl kubestellar prep-for-syncer, and takes the union of their command line flags and arguments. Upon completion, the kcp current workspace will be what it was at the start.

An example usage follows.

kubectl kubestellar prep-for-cluster --imw root:imw-1 demo2 key1=val1
Current workspace is "root:imw-1". created created labeled labeled
Current workspace is "root:imw-1".
Current workspace is "root:espw".
Current workspace is "root:espw:1cpf1cd4ydy13vo1-mb-3c354acd-ed86-45bb-a60d-cee8e59973f7" (type root:universal).
Creating service account "kubestellar-syncer-demo2-15nq4e94"
Creating cluster role "kubestellar-syncer-demo2-15nq4e94" to give service account "kubestellar-syncer-demo2-15nq4e94"

 1. write and sync access to the synctarget "kubestellar-syncer-demo2-15nq4e94"
 2. write access to apiresourceimports.

Creating or updating cluster role binding "kubestellar-syncer-demo2-15nq4e94" to bind service account "kubestellar-syncer-demo2-15nq4e94" to cluster role "kubestellar-syncer-demo2-15nq4e94".

Wrote WEC manifest to demo2-syncer.yaml for namespace "kubestellar-syncer-demo2-15nq4e94". Use

  KUBECONFIG=<workload-execution-cluster-config> kubectl apply -f "demo2-syncer.yaml"

to apply it. Use

  KUBECONFIG=<workload-execution-cluster-config> kubectl get deployment -n "kubestellar-syncer-demo2-15nq4e94" kubestellar-syncer-demo2-15nq4e94

to verify the syncer pod is running.

Creating a Workload Management Workspace#

Such a workspace needs not only to be created but also populated with an APIBinding to the edge API and, if desired, some APIBindings to the Kubernetes API for management of containerized workloads.

Every workload management workspace is a child of the root workspace.

The usage synopsis for this command is as follows.

kubectl kubestellar ensure wmw flag... wm_workspace_name

Here wm_workspace_name is the name (not pathname, just a bare one-segment name) of the WMW to ensure. Thus, the pathname of the WMW will be root:wm_workspace_name.

Upon completion, the WMW will be the current workspace.

The flags can also appear anywhere later on the command line.

The acceptable flags include all those of kubectl except for --context. This command also accepts the following flags.

  • --with-kube boolean: specifies whether or not the WMW should include an APIBindings to the supported subset of the Kubernetes API for management of containerized workloads. See the categorization in the design for details.
  • -X: turn on debug echoing of the commands inside the script that implements this command.

This script works in idempotent style, doing whatever work remains to be done.

The following session shows some example usages, including demonstration of idempotency and changing whether the kube APIBinding is included.

kubectl kubestellar ensure wmw example-wmw
Current workspace is "root".
Workspace "example-wmw" (type root:universal) created. Waiting for it to be ready...
Workspace "example-wmw" (type root:universal) is ready to use.
Current workspace is "root:example-wmw" (type root:universal). created created created created created created created created created created created created created created

kubectl ws ..
Current workspace is "root".

kubectl kubestellar ensure wmw example-wmw
Current workspace is "root".
Current workspace is "root:example-wmw" (type root:universal).

kubectl ws ..
Current workspace is "root".

kubectl kubestellar ensure wmw example-wmw --with-kube false
Current workspace is "root".
Current workspace is "root:example-wmw" (type root:universal). "bind-kubernetes" deleted "" deleted "bind-apps" deleted "bind-autoscaling" deleted "bind-batch" deleted "" deleted "" deleted "" deleted "" deleted "" deleted "bind-policy" deleted "" deleted "" deleted

Removing a Workload Management Workspace#

Deleting a WMW can be done by simply deleting its Workspace object from the parent.

kubectl ws root
Current workspace is "root".

kubectl delete Workspace example-wmw "example-wmw" deleted

Alternatively, you can use the following command line whose design completes the square here. Invoke it when the current workspace is the parent of the workload management workspace to delete.

kubectl kubestellar remove wmw -h
Usage: kubectl kubestellar remove wmw [-X] kubectl_flag... wm_workspace_name

kubectl kubestellar remove wmw demo1
Current workspace is "root". "demo1" deleted

kubectl ws .
Current workspace is "root".

kubectl kubestellar remove wmw demo1
Current workspace is "root".


The kubestellar-list-syncing-objects command will list or watch one kind of objects in the mailbox spaces. These are full (not summarized) workload objects in the intermediate place between WDS' and WEC', participating in downsync or upsync. The user of this command is not very exposed to the mailbox spaces themselves; the command is directed at the whole of this intermediate place and lists all of the requested kind of objects there. The kind of objects to list/watch is given by command line flags. In general the user has to also give the "resource" that is roughly equivalent to the "kind", but that can be defaulted in the easy case.

The output is suitable for piping to jq or yq. In the JSON case, the output is one object per line (not pretty-printed). The default is to output YAML.

This command will either do a one-shot listing or an ongoing list+watch. In the latter case each object is extended with a field named Action having a value of either add, update, or delete.

This command is given two Kubernetes client configurations. One, called "all", is for reading the chosen objects from all workspaces. The other, called "parent", is for reading the mailbox Workspace objects from their parent Workspace.

Following are the command line flags beyond the baseline golang flags.

      --api-group string                 API group of objects to watch (default is Kubernetes core group)
      --api-kind string                  kind of objects to watch
      --api-resource string              API resource (lowercase plural) of objects to watch (defaults to lowercase(kind)+'s')
      --api-version string               API version (just version, no group) of objects to watch (default "v1")
      --json                             indicates whether to output as lines of JSON rather than YAML
      --watch                            indicates whether to inform rather than just list
      --all-cluster string               The name of the kubeconfig cluster to use for access to the chosen objects in all clusters
      --all-context string               The name of the kubeconfig context to use for access to the chosen objects in all clusters (default "system:admin")
      --all-kubeconfig string            Path to the kubeconfig file to use for access to the chosen objects in all clusters
      --all-user string                  The name of the kubeconfig user to use for access to the chosen objects in all clusters
      --parent-cluster string              The name of the kubeconfig cluster to use for access to the parent of mailbox workspaces
      --parent-context string            The name of the kubeconfig context to use for access to the parent of mailbox workspaces (default "root")
      --parent-kubeconfig string           Path to the kubeconfig file to use for access to the parent of mailbox workspaces
      --parent-user string                 The name of the kubeconfig user to use for access to the parent of mailbox workspaces

Following is an example of its usage; the ellipses show where this document omits many lines for brevity.

$ kubestellar-list-syncing-objects --api-group apps --api-kind ReplicaSet
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: ReplicaSet
  availableReplicas: 1
  fullyLabeledReplicas: 1
  observedGeneration: 1
  readyReplicas: 1
  replicas: 1

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: ReplicaSet
  availableReplicas: 1
  fullyLabeledReplicas: 1
  observedGeneration: 1
  readyReplicas: 1
  replicas: 1


This is a combination of some installation and setup steps, for use in the QuickStart.

The script can be read directly from and does the following things.

  1. Downloads and installs kcp executables if they are not already evident on $PATH.
  2. Downloads and installs kubestellar executables if they are not already evident on $PATH.
  3. Ensures that kcp and KubeStellar are deployed (i.e., their processes are running and their initial configurations have been established) either as bare processes or as workload in a pre-existing Kubernetes cluster.

This script accepts the following command line flags; all are optional. The --os, --arch, and --bind-address flags are only useful when deploying as bare processes. The deployment will be into a Kubernetes cluster if either --external-endpoint or --openshift true is given.

  • --kubestellar-version $version: specifies the release of KubeStellar to use. When using a specific version, include the leading "v". The default is the latest regular release, and the value "latest" means the same thing.
  • --kcp-version $version: specifies the kcp release to use. The default is the one that works with the chosen release of KubeStellar.
  • --openshift $bool: specifies whether to the hosting cluster is an OpenShift cluster. The default value is false.
  • --endpoint-address $domain_name:$port: specifies where an Ingress controller or OpenShift router is listening for incoming TLS connections from external (to the hosting cluster) clients of kcp and KubeStellar.
  • --os $OS: specifies the operating system to use in selecting the executables to download and install. Choices are linux and darwin. Auto-detected if omitted.
  • --arch $IAS: specifies the instruction set architecture to use in selecting the executables to download and install. Choices are amd64 and arm64. Auto-detected if omitted.
  • --bind-address $IPADDR: directs that the kcp server (a) write that address for itself in the kubeconfig file that it constructs and (b) listens only at that address. The default is to pick one of the host's non-loopback addresses to write into the kubeconfig file and not bind a listening address.
  • --ensure-folder $install_parent_dir: specifies the parent folder for downloads. Will be mkdir -p. The default is the current working directory. The download of kcp, if any, will go in $install_parent_dir/kcp. The download of KubeStellar will go in $install_parent_dir/kubestellar.
  • --host-ns $namespace_in_hosting_cluster: specifies the namespace in the hosting cluster where the core will be deployed. Defaults to "kubestellar".
  • -V or --verbose: increases the verbosity of output. This is a binary thing, not a matter of degree.
  • -X: makes the script set -x internally, for debugging.
  • -h or --help: print brief usage message and exit.

Here "install" means only to (a) unpack the distribution archives into the relevant places under $install_parent_dir and (b) enhance the PATH, and KUBECONFIG in the case of kcp, environment variables in the shell running the script. Of course, if you run the script in a sub-shell then those environment effects terminate with that sub-shell; this script also prints out messages showing how to update the environment in another shell.