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Authorization failure while fetching Helm chart from

Description of the Issue#

When following the Getting Started recipe you might get a failure from the command to instantiate KubeStellar's core Helm chart. The error message is as follows.

Error: failed to authorize: failed to fetch oauth token: unexpected status from GET request to 403 Fobidden

This is Issue 2544.

Root Cause#

Following is one root cause that is partly understood. There may be others.

The cause is the user having a broken configuration for Docker. Even though helm does not itself use containers, helm will consult the user's Docker configuration file (~/.docker/config.json) for registry credentials if that file exists.

Fetching a Helm chart from an OCI registry can involve getting a temporary token. For a private Helm chart, registry credentials are required in order to get that temporary token; for a public Helm chart, registry credentials are not needed. Even though fetching a public Helm chart does not require registry credentials, helm tries to get and use credentials for the registry if that Docker configuration file exists. When that file exists but specifies something that does not work, that can lead to an error message about an authorization failure in the request to get the temporary token.

This pathology is discussed in an Issue in the Helm repository on GitHub.

For an example, consider the case of someone using Rancher Desktop on Linux. The installation instructions for Rancher Desktop, in the Linux case, recommend installing and initializing a package named "pass". This is explained in more detail in a linked document. If the user does not install and initialize "pass" then Docker's handling of registry credentials will be messed up.

Testing whether Helm can fetch public charts#

To test whether the problem is breakage in helm/docker, try the command helm show chart oci:// If that fails all by itself, the problem is in Helm or something that it uses.

Resolution for lack of "pass"#

Install and initialize the package named "pass".


If the resolution above does not work then you can try doing the KubeStellar setup as a different user --- an ordinary user or root (but remember that unnecessary use of root is a security risk). When the problem is caused by the user's Docker config file, a different user's Docker config file might not have the problem. Also, as noted in the GitHub Issue, helm will succeed at fetching public charts if the user does NOT have a Docker config file.

Another way to work around a broken Docker config file is to temporarily remove or rename it while doing the KubeStellar setup. The KubeStellar setup does not require credentials for any registry --- except for pull rate limit considerations. The KubeStellar setup does involve using some images from DockerHub, and DockerHub imposes a strict rate limit on non-logged-in users.