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KubeStellar has multiple documentation versions to match its multiple releases.
Please make sure you are viewing the docs version which matches the release version of the code you are using!

Testing a KubeStellar documentation PR#

If a contributor has not created a sharable preview of a documentation PR as documented in the documents management overview , here are the steps to checkout a git pull request for local testing.

STEP 1: Checkout the Pull Request**#

Helpers: GitHub, DevOpsCube

Following is one approach to checking out the branch that a PR asks to merge. Alternatively you could use any other technique that accomplishes the same thing.

1.1 Use git fetch to get a local copy of the PR's branch (note: be sure to check out the right PR!)#

Fetch the reference to the pull request based on its ID number, creating a new branch locally. Replace ID with your PR # and BRANCH_NAME with the desired branch name. The branch name will be used only in your local workspace; you can pick anything you like.

The following command assumes that your local workspace has a "git remote" named "upstream" that refers to the shared repository at

git fetch upstream pull/ID/head:BRANCH_NAME

1.2 Switch to the new branch#

Checkout the BRANCH_NAME where you have all the changes from the pull request.

git checkout BRANCH_NAME

At this point, you can do anything you want with this branch. You can run some local tests, or merge other branches into the branch.

STEP 2: Test and Build the Documentation (optional)**#

See Serving up documents locally for how to view and modify the documentation in the branch that you have checked out.