KubeStellar has multiple documentation versions to match its multiple releases.
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Don't change anything, just add


Think of KubeStellar as a post office for your Kubernetes resources. Like a post office, KubeStellar doesn't open your packages; it safely stores and delivers them to selected clusters worldwide—public clouds, private clouds, or at the edge. It's a super useful solution for spreading your Kubernetes resources wherever you need them.

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How It Works

How it works?

Like a post office, KubeStellar doesn't open your resources. It safely stores and delivers them to selected clusters worldwide — public clouds, private clouds, or at the edge. It's a super useful solution for spreading your Kubernetes resources wherever you need them. Don't change anything, just add KubeStellar!

Create once, Deploy many

  • ✓ Centrally apply Kubernetes resources for selective deployment across multiple clusters
  • ✓ Use standard Kubernetes-native deployment tools (kubectl, Helm, Kustomize, ArgoCD, Flux); no resource bundling required
  • ✓ Make disconnected cluster operation possible
  • ✓ Scale with 1:many or many:1 scenarios
  • ✓ Remain compatible with cloud-native solutions
  • ✓ Easy to install with Helm
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