Getting Started with KubeStellar#
Set Up A Demo System#
This page shows two ways to create one particular simple configuration that is suitable for kicking the tires (not production usage). This configuration has one kind
cluster serving as your KubeFlex hosting cluster and two more serving as WECs. This page covers steps 2--7 from the full installation and usage outline. This page concludes with forwarding you to some example scenarios that illustrate the remaining steps.
The two ways to create this simple configuration are as follows.
A quick automated setup using our demo setup script, which creates a basic working environment for those who want to start experimenting right away.
A Step by step walkthrough that demonstrates the core concepts and components, showing how to manually set up a simple single-host system.
Note for Windows users#
For some users on WSL, use of the setup procedure on this page and/or the demo environment creation script may require running as the user root
in Linux. There is a known issue about this.
Quick Start Using the Automated Script#
If you want to quickly setup a basic environment, you can use our automated installation script.
Install software prerequisites#
Be sure to install the software prerequisites before running the script!
The script will check for the pre-reqs and exit if they are not present.
Run the script!#
The script can install KubeStellar's demonstration environment on top of kind or k3d
For use with kind
bash <(curl -s --platform kind
For use with k3d
bash <(curl -s --platform k3d
If successful, the script will output the variable definitions that you would use when proceeding to the example scenarios. After successfully running the script, proceed to the Exercise KubeStellar section below.
Note: the script does the same things as described in the Step by Step Setup but with maximum concurrency, so it can complete faster. This makes the script actually more complicated than the step-by-step process below. While this is great for getting started quickly with a demo system, you may want to follow the manual setup below to better understand the components and how to create a configuration that meets your needs.
Step by Step Setup#
This walks you through the steps to produce the same configuration as does the script above, suitable for study but not production usage. For general setup information, see the full story.
Install software prerequisites#
The following command will check for the prerequisites that you will need for the later steps. See the prerequisites doc for more details.
bash <(curl kflex ocm helm kubectl docker kind
This setup recipe uses kind to create three Kubernetes clusters on your machine.
Note that kind
does not support three or more concurrent clusters unless you raise some limits as described in this kind
"known issue": Pod errors due to “too many open files”.
Cleanup from previous runs#
If you have run this recipe or any related recipe previously then you will first want to remove any related debris. The following commands tear down the state established by this recipe.
kind delete cluster --name kubeflex
kind delete cluster --name cluster1
kind delete cluster --name cluster2
kubectl config delete-context cluster1
kubectl config delete-context cluster2
After that cleanup, you may want to set -e
so that failures do not
go unnoticed (the various cleanup commands may legitimately "fail" if
there is nothing to clean up).
Set the Version appropriately as an environment variable#
Create a kind cluster to host KubeFlex#
For convenience, a new local Kind cluster that satisfies the requirements for playing the role of KubeFlex hosting cluster can be created with the following command:
bash <(curl -s --name kubeflex --port 9443
Use Core Helm chart to initialize KubeFlex and create ITS and WDS#
helm upgrade --install ks-core oci:// \
--version $kubestellar_version \
--set-json='ITSes=[{"name":"its1"}]' \
--set-json='WDSes=[{"name":"wds1"},{"name":"wds2", "type":"host"}]' \
--set-json='verbosity.default=5' # so we can debug your problem reports
That command will print some notes about how to get kubeconfig "contexts" named "its1", "wds1", and "wds2" defined. Do that, because those contexts are used in the steps that follow.
kubectl config use-context kind-kubeflex # this is here only to remind you, it will already be the current context if you are following this recipe exactly
kflex ctx --set-current-for-hosting # make sure the KubeFlex CLI's hidden state is right for what the Helm chart just did
kflex ctx --overwrite-existing-context wds1
kflex ctx --overwrite-existing-context wds2
kflex ctx --overwrite-existing-context its1
Wait for ITS to be fully initialized#
The Helm chart above has a Job that initializes the ITS as an OCM "hub" cluster. Helm does not have a way to wait for that initialization to finish. So you have to do the wait yourself. The following commands will do that.
kubectl --context kind-kubeflex wait --for 'jsonpath={.status.postCreateHooks.its-with-clusteradm}=true' --timeout 90s
kubectl --context kind-kubeflex wait -n its1-system job.batch/its-with-clusteradm --for condition=Complete --timeout 150s
Create and register two workload execution cluster(s)#
The following steps show how to create two new kind
clusters and
register them with the hub as described in the
official open cluster management docs.
Note that kind
does not support three or more concurrent clusters unless you raise some limits as described in this kind
"known issue": Pod errors due to “too many open files”.
Execute the following commands to create two kind clusters, named
, and register them with the OCM hub. These clusters will serve as workload clusters. If you have previously executed these commands, you might already have contexts namedcluster1
. If so, you can remove these contexts using the commandskubectl config delete-context cluster1
andkubectl config delete-context cluster2
.: set flags to "" if you have installed KubeStellar on an OpenShift cluster flags="--force-internal-endpoint-lookup" clusters=(cluster1 cluster2); for cluster in "${clusters[@]}"; do kind create cluster --name ${cluster} kubectl config rename-context kind-${cluster} ${cluster} clusteradm --context its1 get token | grep '^clusteradm join' | sed "s/<cluster_name>/${cluster}/" | awk '{print $0 " --context '${cluster}' --singleton '${flags}'"}' | sh done
command grabs a token from the hub (its1
context), and constructs the command to apply the new cluster to be registered as a managed cluster on the OCM hub. -
Repeatedly issue the command:
until you see that the certificate signing requests (CSR) for both cluster1 and cluster2 exist. Note that the CSRs condition is supposed to be
until you approve them in step 4. -
Once the CSRs are created, approve the CSRs complete the cluster registration with the command:
Check the new clusters are in the OCM inventory and label them:
Variables for running the example scenarios.#
Before moving on to try exercising KubeStellar, you will need the following shell variable settings to inform the scenario commands about the configuration.
Exercise KubeStellar#
Now that your system is running, you can try some example scenarios
Define the needed shell variables, using either the settings output as the script completes or the settings shown just above from the step-by-step instructions. Their meanings are defined at the start of the example scenarios document.
Proceed to Scenario 1 (multi-cluster workload deployment with kubectl) in the example scenarios and/or other examples on the same page, after defining the shell variables that characterize the configuration created above.
Next Steps#
The configuration created here was a basic one suitable for learning. The full Installation and Usage outline shows that KubeStellar has a lot of flexibility.
- Create Kubernetes clusters any way you want
- Multiple Inventory and Transport Spaces (ITS)
- Multiple Workload Definition Spaces (WDS)
- Dynamic addition and removal of ITSes
- Dynamic addition and removal of WDSes
- Use the KubeFlex hosting cluster or a KubeFlex Control Plane as ITS
- Use the KubeFlex hosting cluster or a KubeFlex Control Plane as WDS
- Dynamic addition and removal of Workload Execution Clusters (WECs)
For general setup information, see the full story.
In the event something goes wrong, check out the troubleshooting page to see if someone else has experienced the same thing