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KubeStellar supports multi-cluster deployment of Kubernetes objects, controlled by a simple binding policy and deploying Kubernetes objects in their native format. It uses OCM as transport, with standard OCM agents (Klusterlet). We show examples of deploying workloads to multi-cluster with kubectl, helm and ArgoCD using a simple label-selectors-based binding policy.

Supported Features:#

  1. Multi-cluster Deployment: Kubernetes objects are deployed across multiple clusters, controlled by a straightforward binding policy.
  2. Pure-Kube User Experience: Deployment of non-wrapped objects is handled in a pure Kubernetes manner.
  3. Object Management via WDS: Creation, update, and deletion of objects in managed clusters are performed from WDS.
  4. OCM as Transport: The Open Cluster Management (OCM) is used as transport, with standard OCM agents (Klusterlet).
  5. Multi-WDS and single OCM Shard: Multiple WDSs and a single OCM shard are supported.
  6. Resiliency: All components are running in Kubernetes, ensuring continued operation even after restarts of any component.
  7. Re-evaluation of Objects: Existing objects are re-evaluated when a new binding policy is added or updated.
  8. Object Removal: Objects are removed from clusters when the binding policy that led to their deployment on those clusters is deleted or updated and the what or where no longer match.
  9. Dynamic Handling of APIs: Dynamically start/stop informers when adding/removing CRDs.
  10. Simplified setup: Just 3 commands to get a fully functional setup (kflex init, kflex create its, kflex create wds)
  11. OpenShift Support: Same commands to set it up. All components have been tested in OpenShift, including OCM Klusterlet for the WECs.
  12. Singleton Status Addressed by the status controller in KubeStellar and the Status Add-On for OCM.

To be supported#

  1. Status summarization
  2. Customization
  3. OCM sharding
  4. Upsync

Latest release#

The first release using the new architecture is 0.20.0; it is feture-incomplete. The latest regular release is 0.22.0. 0.23.0-rc2 is a candidate for the next regular release. See also the release notes.


See Architecture.

User Guide#

See User Guide.

Packaging and Delivery#

See Packaging and Delivery

Usage examples, and testing#

Examples shows a few examples of how to deploy and use a release of KubeStellar.

The test/e2e directory holds end-to-end tests.

The contributor guide has a section on integration testing.

The contributor guide has a section on unit testing.

Using an existing hosting cluster#

See the instructions for using an existing hosting cluster for notes on that and coping with multi-machine scenarios.

Contributor Guide#

See the contributor guide, which is also just beginning to be written.